Dog boarding in Hanchurch can be a sigh of relief when you next have a holiday. If you have travel plans but are afraid to leave your pets for an extended amount of time, worry no more. Blakeley Farm offers their dog kennels and boarding facilities for when your pets can’t join you on holiday. With their top quality facilities and staff, your dog will get to enjoy a holiday of their very own.
Are you feeling guilty about asking your neighbours to yet again look after your dogs while you’re away? In Hanchurch, dog boarding kennels are a much more convenient option. Besides, your neighbours might want their own holiday. Even though your dogs will be away from their home and comfort zone, the new environment is usually exciting and stimulating for them. With over 60 purpose-built, heated kennels, there is always a spot and a warm welcome for your dog. They stock top quality Arden Grange dog food to ensure your dog receives wholesome, delicious meals. Their fully qualified staff will cater for any special medical, dietary or physical treatments too. The kennels are staffed 24/7, keeping your dog from feeling lonely or homesick during the day or night. Plenty of cuddles, back scratches and walks are provided to make your dog feel like royalty.
Let dog boarding in Hanchurch become your dog’s home away from home. As with every loving relationship, a little time spent apart can do wonders for both parties, and makes that homecoming reunion that much more special. Contact Blakeley Farm today for dog boarding that allows you a little bit of freedom without the guilt. You can enjoy your holiday confident in the knowledge that your pets are being well cared for at their stunning country kennels.