Catteries in Cresswell are a safe and caring place for your pet to go when you are not around to look after it. We have been caring for cats for many years and have an enormous amount of experience so that we can ensure they are well fed and well looked after. Our luxury cat pens have heating and have secure runs so that they can sun bathe and exercise in safety. Our staff are on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure that your pet is checked up on round the clock. Many of our qualified animal loving staff are experts at administering various essential medicines to animals who are on chronic medication. Our staff will spend time with your cat in the enclosure playing with it and giving it pats and scratches so that it does not feel neglected.
When you have to take a business trip in Cresswell, catteries are a priority for your beloved pet. You need to be certain that the cattery has an exemplary reputation and that the facilities are of the highest standards. We welcome all prospective customers to visit us before booking their pet in. This gives you a chance to inspect the facilities and see for yourself how dedicated and careful our staff are with the animals. Our reputation for pet care is not without foundation as most of our customers are regulars and we get to know the animals and their habits very well. This way the cats get to know the staff and are welcomed as friends. When the cats feel they are at home with people who love them they relax and settle in for their stay with no stress at all.
Catteries in Cresswell of the highest standard are few and far between. Contact Blakeley Farm today to book your pet in or to inspect our catteries. You will be pleasantly surprised at how happy and comfortable our guests are. We also provide kennels for the dogs in the family and will also collect and deliver your pets for you.